21 March 2007

March Madness

Well it's been awhile since I last wrote and alot has happened over that time. Sports wise my NCAA tournament bracket has bascially gone to hell lol. Many of the teams I expected to get in the Sweet Sixteen did not make it. Don't get me wrong though I'm enjoying the tournament because we are seeing alot more upsets and exciting games.

I will be appearing on a game show up here in Toronto called Inside the Box. It's a TV trivia game that covers the boob tube from the 60's to the present. I did ok at the casting call and now am waiting on the call so I can appear on the show. I have the chance to win $10,000(CDN) and get a little media exposure. I was actually surprised that I made the cut for something like this.

On the homefront my brother-in-law and his wife are quickly getting on my nerves. They are using their child as a pawn against the rest of the family. This has made me so angry that sometimes I feel like just losing my military bearing and cussing them both out. But I'll keep my mouth shut for now. Once the edge has been pushed they are in for it.

Haven't really done any DJ mixes yet and I'm starting to get restless. I'll probably do a house mix next so look for it on my Podomatic page.

Well got to run. Next blog I'll be talking about the new budget that the Canadian Federal government came out with.

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