23 October 2005

You might want to slow down highspeed.

Yesterday I went to my friend's birthday party at the Oasis club and I was very dissappointed at the turnout. The guys who were DJing there were doing a good job. (MAJ Dennis you need to keep on DJing you did a much better job than the guy who was at it later in the night.) They mixed the genres pretty well. They played, salsa, reggae, reggaeton (spelling might be incorrect I apologize), and hip-hop. I listened to the Spanish version of "Happy Birthday" and I never knew it was so long. Some people were joking that by the time the song was over, G would have gained another year. All in all pretty good. Except for one person.

Now some of you may know that here at the camp we have a three drink limit. Well I think a Staff Sergeant must have slammed all three of her drinks. By the night's end she was a belligerent drunk on the verge of passing out. By the time I left she must have passed out cause staff duty was piling her in the truck. Not the way I want to be remembered around here. LOL. This place is somewhat like a small town where everybody knows everybody. So you can be sure that everyone will know what happened. So my advice would be to slow down highspeed, you have another several months here and the alcohol isn't going to disappear.

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