14 November 2005


Well folks, I know it's been awhile since I've posted so here goes.

I'm currently working on my movie idea. I researched the price of HD Digital Video Camera's and I am amazed that they are within my price range. I'm debating now which one I really want to get. It's between either Sony, JVC, or Canon. So if anyone out there knows anything about these brand of cameras please let me know.

Now you may be asking, why do I want to make a movie? Well just like blogging, I have a story to tell and I think I could do it and be good at it, with practice of course. I've always been intrigued by moviemaking because I've always believed that I could tell a better story and even present it better as well. When I get back to Atlanta I know I'm going to be so busy working on this movie and also getting the necessary equipment for it. I have seen the light and have decided to go to Apple. Everything I've seen about the Apple products has just wowed me. I have the Ipods and now just need to get the computer.

I'm also pondering running for a political office. I think I would start out in Atlanta on one of the city commissions. I've always wanted to experience what it would be like to run for a political office. So when I get back I plan on doing that. I don't think I will get too many votes but I would just like to try it out and experience it. Well that is all for about now. I will try to keep you regularly posted.

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