07 December 2005

Whatta day

This past day or two has been kind of stressing, due to the fact that I'm preparing for the promotion board and my new replacement is due to come in soon and so my unit wants me to come on home. Now my unit is indicating that the only way I'll be able to stay for the promotion board is if I am going to re-enlist or extend for another year or so. My only problem though is that I wanted to get ready to attend law school and my family does not think that I should re-enlist. I'm not losing much sleep over it, because I think I'm close to making my decision, but I'm just getting so frustrated with the situation. Oh well.

I dowloaded the Rockstar Custom Tracks Converter for the PSP and that thing kicks ass. I can now download my tracks off a CD and listen to it, just like the Xbox GTA games, while playing GTA Liberty City Stories. It's cool. Only drawback is that I have a small memory card (32mb) and so only have two songs on their. I will be buying a 1GB card though and when I get that I should be able to put more and better songs on it.

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